7 7M Workers Millions of cleaners, care workers, postal employees, tech workers, professional athletes, printers, cashiers, security officers, and more are organising for decent jobs, better lives and just communities. 13 13 Sectors From commerce, care and finance to ICTS, media, arts & entertainment and post & logistics, our sectors represent over half of all employment across Europe. 242 242 Trade Unions Our member unions organise workers, coordinate actions across borders, participate in social dialogue and shape the world of work of tomorrow. Featured Campaign Focus Topics + All Topics Artificial Intelligence We fight to ensure that Artificial intelligence (AI) serves the interests of working people, resulting in safer, healthier and easier jobs. Collective Bargaining We fight to strengthen collective bargaining coverage, union density and multi-employer bargaining in the services sectors. Mental Health We fight to protect workers’ mental health throughout the growing health crisis since the COVID-19 pandemic. Public Procurement We fight to guarantee that every worker employed on a public contract is covered by a collective agreement. Our Mission We aim atestablishing organising capacity that mobilises the active involvement of workers in collective bargaining and enables trade unions to negotiate successfully. We fight for an EU legal and political framework that is conducive for the ability of our member unions to bargain collectively at national level. We demand an active commitment by multinational companies to champion and engage in collective bargaining at all levels wherever they operate. + More